Auditions 2022
March 7th - March 9th
Information on Audition for Madrigals
​We’re excited you’re auditioning to join the choral family here at DHS! Please read all the following information very carefully.
This document is an overview of the audition process. It gives you all the instructions for auditions, what is required, and general information about the choirs.
As stated in the document above, before auditioning, you need to do two things — record and submit a solo, and sign up for a live audition slot. Both these actions must happen NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, MARCH 3 at 7 PM.
Recorded Solo: Please upload your completed video file here. For more information on making your solo video, please watch this YouTube video with instructions given by representatives from our three choirs. You can also review the information in this written instruction.
Live Audition: Please book your time-slot here. If you are auditioning for more than one choir, you only need to book one slot. If you have already booked audition spot from another DHS choir website, you don't need to do it again here.
Callbacks: Be prepared for callbacks by memorizing the Bach Chorale arrangement below. Choose the part that is most appropriate for your voice, singing "la" for each note. Should callbacks occur, they will be held Wednesday, March 9th, from 4-6pm. If you'd like them, practice tracks are linked below so you can learn your part along with hearing the rest of the parts. For tracks, it is recommended you listen with headphones, as your part is played out of the R earbud, and the rest of the choir is played out of the L, so you can hear how they work together.
An email will be sent out the week of March 14th to confirm the new Madrigal members. Good Luck!