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Junior Madrigal Ensemble

Would you like to sing at the annual Madrigal Dinner?

Have you wondered how you could become a future Madrigal?


Many current DSHS Madrigal singers participated in the Junior Madrigal Ensemble prior to joining the choir. The annual Madrigal Dinner is the perfect opportunity for students in grades 5 -9 to sing alongside the choir and meet the members! The Junior Madrigal Ensemble provides an enriching musical experience and memories that last a lifetime. Let singing at this year's Madrigal Dinner become the start of your new annual holiday tradition. This year, the Junior Madrigals will have a feature song and will play a bigger role in the program! More details, including information about Junior Madrigal Ensemble costumes and Madrigal Dinner tickets, will be shared at the informational meeting Tuesday, October 8th, at 6pm, at Davis Senior High School in room PA8. Please bring your parent/guardian to the meeting and be prepared to audition by learning "We are Lights" and "Silent Night." The sheet music and practice tracks are provided below. Come join us! Please note: some flyers say the meeting starts at 7pm, but the correct time is 6pm.


Important Dates:

All ensemble member MUST attend the following rehearsals and performances:

Rehearsal  1 —  November 15,  3:30 pm,  DSHS Room PA8

Rehearsal  2 —  Date To Be Determined, DSHS (receive costumes)

Rehearsal  3 —  Date To Be Determined,  DSHS (full dress rehearsal) 

Performance 1  —  December 6th,  4:30-10pm,  DSHS (rehearsal & performance, dinner provided).

Performance 2  — December 7th,  3-9pm,  DSHS, (rehearsal & performance, dinner provided).



Email Alex at Please include "Madrigal Junior High Ensemble" in the subject line.


 Under the Direction of Alex Snow
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