St. Paul's Lutheran Church
DECEMBER 6, 2023
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Every year, The Davis High School Madrigal Singers visit St. Paul's Lutheran Church to perform pieces from our personal repertoire and holiday classics. This is a free community wide event where the choir leads the audience in singing a selection of traditional Christmas carols, and concludes the evening with "Silent Night."
After the performance, the Madrigals socialize with the audience over refreshments. The Madrigals have become a holiday tradition for many families within the Woodland community. This year will be our 50th year performing at the church! Take a break from work to attend this event, and invite your friends and family to enjoy an evening of comfort and joy. Admission is free, and all good-will offerings go directly to support our choir.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
625 W. Gibson Road
Woodland, CA